A Historical Perspective of Peer Review: Why We Do What We Do Becoming a physician who performs peer review means that you have decided to help your fellow physician improve overall medical care for our patients. Peer review can be challenging for everyone involved. The physician being reviewed is worried about a negative finding and what it might mean for her or his career. The physician reviewing is worried about judging too harshly, backlash or ruining a good working relationship with a fellow physician at the hospital or clinic. We worry – if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones. Be knowledgeable and compliant. What measures come to mind when thinking how to protect against HIPAA violations? A frequent question related to liability protection arises in conjunction with peer review activities. The Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA) provides good-faith immunity from state and federal liability for people participating in the peer review process. Do you find review activities enlightening? Know a colleague who might be interested? We would love to hear your recommendation. Or direct them to our online application under “Careers” on our website. This notice serves as a reminder that the Certification and Acceptance statements you previously signed remains in full force and effect. You have agreed to abide by the letter and spirit of CIMRO’s Confidentiality Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Code of Business Conduct. The Illinois Human Rights Act requires all Illinois employers to provide prevention training in identification and reporting of a hostile work environment and sexual harassment. Back row, from left: Rita Taylor MS, RN; Dustin Kerchner, AAS; Marge Donoghue, RN, BS Front row, from left: Jennifer Clark, RN, MSN; Audra Thomas, MD Medical Director; Cindy Scopel, RN Project Manager Put a face with the voice of our team members. Meet your independent peer review staff in the CIMRO office. CIMRO was first accredited by URAC from 2001 to 2009 as a Health Utilization Management (HUM) organization, and then as an Independent Review Organization (IRO) since 2009. |