![]() Though CIMRO’s panel of Peer Reviewers (PRs) exceeds 450 board certified physicians, we are always looking to expand our depth and breadth. We asked physicians who completed their initial reviews for CIMRO in 2019 for their thoughts on reviewing cases for CIMRO. Here’s a sample of what they had to say. ![]() A question that frequently arises in conjunction with peer review activities relates to liability protection for such activities. The Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA) provides good-faith immunity from state and federal liability for people participating in the peer review process. CIMRO's contracts with our clients specifically address the fact that our PR decisions are considered part of internal quality improvement processes, which further affirms the protections afforded under HCQIA. ![]() When you think of protecting against HIPAA violations, what measures come to mind? Refrain from sending PHI via e-mail that isn’t secure? Use ShareFile for secure transfer of records? Don’t access protected information in public spaces where it might be seen? Utilize business associate agreements? All those answers are correct. ![]() Due to increased demand, we are in need of peer reviewers in the following specialties. If you know a colleague who might have interest, we would love to hear your recommendation. Or direct them to the Careers page on our website. ![]() In accordance with CIMRO’s Enterprise Compliance Program, the Board of Directors has mandated an annual reminder notice of our Confidentiality-Security Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Code of Business Conduct requirements: Put a face with the voice. Meet your independent peer review staff in the CIMRO office. Back row, from left:
Rita Taylor MS, RN, Dustin Kerchner, AAS, Marge Donoghue, RN, BS Front row, from left: Jennifer Clark, RN, MSN, Audra Thomas, MD Medical Director, Cindy Scopel, RN Project Manager ![]() The Nominating Committee is seeking interested applicants to the CIMRO Board of Directors with upcoming election in March 2020. Terms are for three (3) years. Board meetings are held in Champaign, IL. ![]() A Strong Argument for Peer Review Why do peer review? Why are there organizations that exist just for peer review? These are questions we should know the answers to because we are practicing physicians and we review our fellow physicians. Here at CIMRO, we do reviews for a few different reasons, including: |