Depth & Breadth of our Physicians
We maintain a roster of over 500 credentialed physician and non-physician clinical peer reviewers (PRs), representing more than 100 specialties and sub-specialties. All PRs are board certified in one or more specialties with practice experience in multiple settings represented. This large number of actively practicing, board certified PRs allows for selection of a peer reviewer who is best matched to perform the specific reviews you request.
With the ever-changing advances in medicine, recruitment of peer reviewers is an ongoing process, and ensures a broad base of actively practicing specialists. This is essential to a credible, high quality review program.
Each CIMRO PR is required to submit an application. Each candidate undergoes extensive credentialing procedures, followed by orientation to confidentiality and conflict of interest policies, applicable URAC standards and peer review processes. To ensure that our reviewers maintain appropriate qualifications, re-credentialing occurs prior to expiration and at least every three years, with regular monitoring of both licensure status and ability to participate in federal government programs.
With each review, the PR must attest to having no conflict of interest with the case and that minimally have two years of experience with the matter under review. Also PRs attest at the time of review, all licenses, certifications, registrations and/or hospital privileges, as applicable, to provide health care services are current, unrestricted and not subject to investigation.
As a method to ensure the appropriateness of review outcome decisions, PR monitoring is conducted quarterly by designated peer reviewers who are experienced in all levels of review. Monitoring facilitates credible peer review and ensures the appropriateness, completeness, consistency, and accuracy of PR determinations.
With the ever-changing advances in medicine, recruitment of peer reviewers is an ongoing process, and ensures a broad base of actively practicing specialists. This is essential to a credible, high quality review program.
Each CIMRO PR is required to submit an application. Each candidate undergoes extensive credentialing procedures, followed by orientation to confidentiality and conflict of interest policies, applicable URAC standards and peer review processes. To ensure that our reviewers maintain appropriate qualifications, re-credentialing occurs prior to expiration and at least every three years, with regular monitoring of both licensure status and ability to participate in federal government programs.
With each review, the PR must attest to having no conflict of interest with the case and that minimally have two years of experience with the matter under review. Also PRs attest at the time of review, all licenses, certifications, registrations and/or hospital privileges, as applicable, to provide health care services are current, unrestricted and not subject to investigation.
As a method to ensure the appropriateness of review outcome decisions, PR monitoring is conducted quarterly by designated peer reviewers who are experienced in all levels of review. Monitoring facilitates credible peer review and ensures the appropriateness, completeness, consistency, and accuracy of PR determinations.